
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Cardigan bebé crochet en turquesa y blanco / White and turquoise crochet baby cardigan - CA002

Acabo de terminar este cardigan a crochet para bebe... es el primero para mi...es decir, nunca había diseñado una prenda para bebé "armada"... Las que visitan mi blog con frecuencia saben que casi siempre diseño mis prendas para bebé comenzando del cuellito o canesú, ya sea redondo o cuadrado...  Asi que esta es la primera vez que presento un diseño que se comienza por la parte inferior ...  El punto crea un patrón interesante y está trabjado en puntos bajos y punto alto que se "clava" dos vueltas más abajo para crear un efecto "lanzado"... Como dato curioso, el punto resulta en un tejido bastante tupido y es recomendable tejerlo con un ganchillo uno o dos tamaños más grande que el recomendado en la etiqueta del ovillo que utilicemos.  En este caso, utilicé acrílico bebé con un ganchillo de 5.00 mm.  Si tiendes a tejer ajustado, utiliza un crochet más grande.

Just finished crocheting this baby cardigan....  and this is a "first" for me.... I had never designed a "constructed" garment before... As those of you who are familiar with my blog know, I almost always design my baby sweaters to be crocheted from the top down, either with a square or round yoke...  So this is my first attempt at designing something beginning from the "bottom edge" so to speak...   The pattern stitch is very nice giving it sort of a "houndstooth" look and is made out of single crochets and double crochets stitched two rows below  to form "spikes".  This stitch results in a very warm and tight woven fabric, so it would be wise to use a crochet hook one or two sizes bigger than the one recommended in the yarns' label.  In this case I used fine acrylic baby yarn with a 5.00 mm crochet hook... I f you tend to crochet tighter go for a bigger size hook.

Aquí les dejo un esquema del punto utilizado.  Si alguien está interesado en el patrón de la chaquetita, por favor envíenme un correo a marupatterns@gmail.com y haré lo posible por escribir el patrón y enviárselos.

Here's the chart for the stitch pattern I used.  If you are interested in obtaining the pattern for the jacket, please let me know by emailing me at marupatterns@gmail.com, and I'll do my best to write it down and send it to you....

3 comentarios:

  1. I have a couple of questions for you in regards to your diagram."

    1. Did you use the Stitchworks program to do the diagram?

    2. Does the program you use allow you to add your blog name / copyright to the diagram?

    3. Does this program also print out thw written directions for the diagram?

    I have been designing for several years and FINALLY I can read a diagram. I guess I learned because I loved the pattern in the diagra,.

    You may contact me through my name . . my blog ~ramblings of the fur~babies momma is the easiest one to use to find me.


  2. Muy lindo amiga , hermoso , que DIOS á bendiga .

  3. Its a really beutyfull cardigan <3<3<3 you have made - I have sendt you a mail :)


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