En Ravelry.com podrás encontrar gran variedad de patrones gratuitos, varios de ellos se ofrecen en más de un idioma. Debes registrarte en el sitio para acceder a estos patrones, pero el registro es gratuito. Ravelry reúne a gran cantidad de diseñadores y personas interesadas en labores de punto y ganchillo. El motor de búsqueda es muy dinámico y fácil de usar. Algunos patrones pueden ser descargados directamente en el sitio, en otros casos, un link te redirecciona a la página web del diseñador. En cualquier caso, en mi experiencia Ravelry es uno de los mejores sitios en la web para cualquier tema relacionado con el tejido de punto y ganchillo.
A continuación les presento algunos de mis patrones de Ravelry favoritos:
At Ravelry,com you will find a vast array of free crochet patterns, some of which are offered in more than one language. Free registration is required to access these patterns, Ravelry reunites a lot of knitters, crocheters and designers in just one site. The search engine is very dynamic and easy to use. Sometimes, patterns can be downloaded directly from the Ravelry site, in other instances, a link will redirect you to the designer's web page. In any case, I've found that Ravelry is one of the best sites ever for anything knitting and/or crochet related.
Below is a selection of some of my favourite Ravelry crochet patterns by various designers:
A continuación les presento algunos de mis patrones de Ravelry favoritos:
At Ravelry,com you will find a vast array of free crochet patterns, some of which are offered in more than one language. Free registration is required to access these patterns, Ravelry reunites a lot of knitters, crocheters and designers in just one site. The search engine is very dynamic and easy to use. Sometimes, patterns can be downloaded directly from the Ravelry site, in other instances, a link will redirect you to the designer's web page. In any case, I've found that Ravelry is one of the best sites ever for anything knitting and/or crochet related.
Below is a selection of some of my favourite Ravelry crochet patterns by various designers:
Baby Sweater Heartbeat
(designed by Kinga Erdem from Myhobbyiscrochet)
(designed by Kinga Erdem from Myhobbyiscrochet)
Crochet Daisy Afghan
(designed by Sarah Zimmerman from Repeat crafter me)
(designed by Sarah Zimmerman from Repeat crafter me)

(designed by Kalurah Hudson from Knit Picks)
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